Saturday 23 July 2011

[Pak Youth] Computer Tips [ Is Your Hard Drive About To Be Replaced? + Be Picky With Your Internet Cookies + Never Misspell Another Word Again ] 07/04/2011

Computer Tips

ws Worldstart Computer Tips 07-04-2011

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Quick Tips

Clear Specific Site Cookies in Internet Explorer 9

Here's a good one for anybody using IE9 that wants to get rid of the cookie data from one particular website and keep everything else. Simply browse to the site you want to delete cookies from and hit F12 on your keyboard.

This will open up the developer console – a mysterious and potentially scary place – although we only need it for one thing. Click Cache and then Clear cookies for domain towards the bottom.

It'll ask you if you're sure…

Click Yes.

You're all set! You've just cleared cookies from one specific domain. Congratulations!


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Talk About a Flashlight That's NO JOKE!

Wait till you try one of these!

Turn it on BUT don't look into it - this baby is really BRIGHT!

It's absolutely amazing how much light those 9 LEDs throw out! You wouldn't think a flashlight this small would be this BLINDIN' BRIGHT!!! Guess what? THEY ARE.

Fact: LED Flashlights run batteries 10x LONGER than regular flashlights!

Fact: You can leave one on for 11 years STRAIGHT before the LED burns out. Basically, you'll NEVER have to change em!

Go ahead, GO CRAZY! Not only are ALL of the items in the newsletter at their LOWEST PRICE EVER and reduced to a FRACTION of their former amounts...

We're throwin' in one of these heavy-duty workhorse flashlights, in the color of your choice, ABSOLUTELY FREE with your order! Just pick your color at checkout!

We couldn't cram all the deals into today's click below to check out all of the deep discount, one day only deals!

Oh, and if you don't want anything in this newsletter, guess what? YOU CAN STILL GET THE FREE FLASHLIGHT!

Just head to the store and place an order for ANY item (or items) for us to ship to you (excluding digital downloads), of ANY amount, and we'll toss in a rock-solid, LED flash light with your order COMPLETELY FREE!

I know you'll find something that you just can't live without below! Be sure to check out all of our store categories - featuring over 2,000 deals!!

On Sale - One stop shop for EVERYTHING that's on sale in our store.
New Products - See what's hot now - the latest and greatest!
Featured Products - Every day there are new featured products!
Cool Gadgets - My personal favorite! Lots of great stuff for your computer and MORE!
Software - Over 1,500 software titles for your PC - Everything from Games to Cooking to Business Software.
PC Hardware - Cables, Cameras, Flash Drives, USB Hubs and tons more of accessories for your PC.
Music and DVDs - Incredible prices on CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs!
Console Games - Load up on your favorite games for XBox 360, Wii, Playstation 3, DS, PSP, and GameBoy Advance

You should also run to the site and get yourself some deals! 2,000 items - you know you'll find some incredible stuff! FREEBIE offer only good TODAY!

Oh and one last thing...due to my LOVE for great deals and great people, I've EXTENDED the lowest price ever event throughout the ENTIRE weekend!

That's right, if there's any stock left on the amazing deals from Saturday OR can get 'em here:




Then you must not really care about your money! I mean seriously...I know most of our newsletters usually offer a "Lowest Ever" price on one item, but...


Remember, this is just for today!

Reg Price:
Best So Far:
Today's Jaw-Dropper:


Out Of Our Rockers, Jaw Droppin, Crazy Low Price!!

We've NEVER Had An 8GB Flash Drive This Cheap!!!

Massive 8 GIG PQI Flash Drive - Just $16.97!!!

Yup, You Read That Right! Only $16.97!!

Lexar JumpDrive   Firefly 8GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive

This Bad Boy Even Has A Lifetime Warranty!!

Don't Pay $40 - $60 Somewhere Else!

HURRY! This Sale Will Only Last Until Tomorrow Morning!

When we got the new pricing for these, we were completely blown away!! I have seen 8Gig flash drives go for upward of $50 all over the place! I've had staff - and even some friends - say things like "Really, these are 8GB's - brand new?" My answer is always the same - "Yup - that's correct!"

These are AWESOME
8 Gig PQI Flash Drives and they are gonna FLY outta here!

I just did some checking around to see what 8gb flash drives are going for retail right now - here's what I found: the "big box" stores are getting no less than $50.00 for 'em (most are closer to $70.00)!

So when I say it's pretty amazing that we're able to do these for less than $17.00, you know that's not just a line, it's a fact!!

Oh, and get this - these aren't second rate drives, they're PQI drives so you know they're top of the line, and they have a LIFETIME warranty!Lexar   JumpDrive Firefly 8GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive

Plus - With 8 GB of space, it's like the Grand Canyon of flash drives!

This is equivalent to carrying around 11 - yeah 11 - CD-Rs!! That's AMAZING!!

It is definitely your smartest portable storage solution, allowing you to carry a whoppin' 8GB of your documents, spreadsheets, files, programs, photos, videos, music, and important back-up material, all in one extremely small device!

Just look at all this can hold! Amazing!

Up to 4800 Photos!
Thousands Of Documents And Files!
2000 MP3 Songs (that's over 4 days worth!)
24 Hours Of MPEG4 Movies!

Oh, and setup is soooo easy! For XP, Vista, and 7 computers, you just plug it and you're good to go. The drive will show up under My Computer. Just drag the files over you want to put on the drive! That's it!

Again, the price is AMAZING, so now's the time to buy! Just $16.97 and US shipping is FREE! $50-$70 retail!! It's crazy not to grab a few a this kind of price! Here's the link:

PS - We're not sure how long our inventory is going to last on these as it is a limited time deal! So, get to the site as soon as you can ~ before our supplier increases the price!!

Warning - The price will increase to $28.97 (IF there are actually any left)! Better get yours NOW!!

Don't forget that with your order today, you get a FREE 9 LED flashlight in your favorite color!

Reg Price:
Best So Far:
Today's Jaw-Dropper:


100% Of All Hard Drives Fail!


It's Not A Matter Of "IF" Your Drive Will Fail- It's a Matter Of "When"!


In The US Alone, Over 20 MILLION People Will Have A Hard Drive Crash This Year!


110 MILLION Will Lose Data To Malware & Viruses!


YOU Need A Backup Plan!


When Your Drive Fails, You Only Have Three Choices:

1. Restore Your Backup
2. Lose Your Data
3. Pay Thousands For Data Recovery - And There's No Guarantee It'll Even Work!

"There are two kinds of computer users in this world - Those who have lost data and those who will!"

Let's face it - we REALLY rely on our computers.

We keep our irreplaceable photos, videos, documents, and music right there on our PCs. However, a staggering 76% of us do NOT back up as often as we should!

That's Texas Chain Saw Massacre scary if you ask me!

Think that's bad? Get this - 43% of people polled admitted they've lost data from their hard drive - over the course of just ONE year! That's nearly HALF of all computer users!! "Sorry about our wedding photos hun..., Oh, and can I have $1000 to replace the iTunes library?"

Think that's scary? Then you'll want to be sitting down for this:

There will be an estimated 20 MILLION devastating hard drive crashes THIS year!
There will be an estimated 110 million malware infections that destroy files
PLUS millions of other system problems that will wipe out data.

Take cover - we're talking the black Plague of the digital age!

What's even MORE outrageous is that it's SOOOOO easy to keep your irreplaceable files, photos, and music safe and sound! A good backup program is ALL you need!

I think the reason people don't worry about backups enough is we're all WAY too accustomed to things coming in a physical form. I mean, think about it - used to be we had things like CDs, photo negatives (and prints), and actual paper documents.

Those days are fading fast! Just look at digital photos - over 80% of the households in the US now own a digital camera. Around 90% of us keep digital photos on our computers - either from our cameras or from images sent by friends and family. What happens when there's a problem?

Will years of your family history simply be wiped out due to a crash or virus?

Too bad about little Timmy's first 5 years huh?

What about music? Over 70% of us keep music on our computers. If you purchased that music online, you know that if you lose it, it's gone forever! You'll have to repurchase everything- and THAT gets expensive quick!

Hey, even if you only copied CDs - do you really want to go through that hassle again???

Then of course there are all the important documents, favorite web sites, spreadsheets, tax forms, financial files, etc that we've accumulated over the years.

Just how many countless hours do you have invested in creating those files? Are you willing to lose it all - right now - and start from scratch? I didn't think so!

So why isn't everyone a backup fanatic?

When asked, most people will cite one of two reasons for NOT doing backups - either they are too much of a hassle, or they simply have no idea how to do it.

Don't fall into the "I'll get around to it" trap!

The backup you're planning to make tomorrow won't help you one little bit when your computer crashes today.

Well, the program we're featuring solves BOTH the problems above with ease AND for $8.97 it's something everyone can afford.

Finally! (Note - this is a one time software purchase, not a monthly fee like many online backup services)

Of course, just any old backup software won't do - you need something that will actually work WITH you to take ALL the hassle out of doing your regular backups - and we have just the program!

It's called, appropriately enough, Save My Files, and you are absolutely gonna love this easy to use file backup program!

First off, let's take a peek at all the cool features:

checkFull And Incremental Backups - This is so sweet I'm surprised Willy Wonka hasn't named a chocolate bar after it!

A Full Backup does just what it sounds like - backs up EVERY file you tell it to. Now, that alone would usually be enough, but this program cranks it up to the next level by offering time saving Incremental Backups as well!

Incremental Backups are backups you do AFTER you've completed a full backup. Check it out - This type of "smart backup" looks at your current archive and ONLY copies files that are either new or updated! It leaves the stuff that's not changed alone!

Bottom line - You don't have to wait an hour (or hours) for a backup job to complete! Once the initial full backup job is done, the incremental backups are VERY fast (usually less than a minute)! If disaster strikes, you still have ALL your old files, so nothing to lose and mountains of time to gain. I LOVE incremental backups - and YOU will too!

checkAutomatically Finds Files For You! Oh, you'll LOVE this! A HUGE problem with doing backups is that, well, sometimes you just don't know where all your files are - especially music and photos. This ingenious software can help!

For example, let's say you wanted to backup all your pictures. Just select the option for "Photos", and let it go to work. In a blink of an eye the program starts scouring your hard drive for photos.

It checks all over - heck it may find photos you didn't know you had!

Again - YOU don't need to know where all the files actually are - this finds and backs them up automatically! How cool is that?

You can even specify file types, so if you have some proprietarily format, it can automatically find those files too! Now THAT'S a KILLER feature!

check Encrypt And Password Protect Your Backups - Do you have sensitive information in your backups? Hey, password protect and encrypt 'em!

You'll never need to worry about someone getting at your sensitive information just because they found the CD you keep your backup on. Nice!

checkMedia Spanning - Have more to backup that will fit on a single CD, flash drive or hard drive? No worries! This can break the data apart and span it across multiple CDs, DVDs, flash drives, external hard drives, - whatever you use! WOW!

check Stores In ZIP Format - This is absolutely HUGE if you ask me.

Here's the thing - what if you do a backup and then lose the backup software? How can you get your files OUT of the compressed backup file? Yikes!

Ahh, no worries - this software stores your files in a standard ZIP file that can be opened via Windows (Note - it WILL prompt you for your password if you choose to encrypt and protect the file).

Oh - and don't forget - with ZIP format, you're compressing everything! Awesome - Your backups won't take up gobs of space!!

check Select ANY Location You Want To Backup - Frankly, this does such a good job with the "pre determined" suggestions it offers, you probably won't even need this feature. However, if you have special folders floating around and want to make sure they are included with the backup, this software makes it easy!

You can select ANY folder on your hard drive and it will back it up for you!

checkExclude Files - OK, maybe there are some files you DON'T want the software to backup. Just tell it the what files you don't want to include in your backup, and they won't be added - even if they reside in a folder that you specified for backup - super-cool huh?

Whew - that's quite a list, and it doesn't even HINT at how incredibly easy this software is to use! Backing up is just a matter of running the program and telling it what you want to save! A few mouse clicks and you're good to go!

Don't believe me? Check out out video demonstration and I'll prove it!

Now, here's the really cool thing - after you do your initial backup, all you need to do for future backups is run the program and tell it to use your existing backup job! Talk about a time saver!

Plus, this lets you create MULTIPLE backups too! You could have several backup files - one for pictures, one for business, one for music - or lump them all together - it's totally up to you!

WOW - there's a LOT to this software, but I think you get the idea - it makes doing your regular backups SUPER easy!

The program is basic enough for anyone to use but still has enough options for advanced users - what more could you want?

Oh, yeah, the deal! For today only, we're talking just $7.49 and US shipping is FREE! That's got to be one of the best deals in the history of the PC - Heck most backup programs go for a MINIMUM of $50!

RUN to the site and grab your before they're gone! This was a VERY limited time offer! First thing tomorrow, the price goes back up to $8.97

PS - Right this very second, a hard drive is failing or a virus is destroying data - you could be next! Remember, there's a 43% chance that YOU will lose data this year!

Don't take a risk - grab this amazing, easy to use backup software today and make sure you data is SAFE!

Just a reminder - that with any order today you get a FREE super bright LED flashlight in your favorite color!

Computers 101

Rhonda from CO asks:

I've heard that Windows 7 was advanced and all, but my computer keeps talking to me! How do I make it stop?

Sounds like you're dealing with Microsoft Narrator, which is part of Window's accessibility options. For one reason or another it got turned on and set to execute when you start your computer, but thankfully there's an easy way to turn it off.

Just click Start, and in the Search Box type "Narrator", minus the quotes. A selection should appear at the top of the list. Click on it and you'll be taken to the narrator control panel.

It looks like this:


Click the "Control whether Narrator starts when I log on"link at the bottom of the dialog box.

In the next window un-check the box that says "Turn on Narrator" and click OK.


Ahh, blissful silence, but should you want to turn Narrator back on, just follow the same steps and re-check the box!


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MS Office

MS Word: Keep With Next vs Keep Lines Together

If you've ever found yourself wading through the paragraph settings for a Word document then you've probably come across these two choices on the Line and Page Breaks tab of the Paragraph dialog box.

(Use the dialog launcher located in the bottom right corner of the Paragraph group on the Home tab to access this dialog box.)

The question is what do they mean and which do you want to use… if any?

Obviously we'll start with the meaning so that you can make an informed choice when it comes to actually using one of them.

"Keep with next" is used to prevent Word from inserting automatic page breaks between paragraphs.

In contrast, "Keep lines together" will prevent Word from inserting an automatic page break within a paragraph.

Often I've helped people who do not know about these choices and end up trying to create these effects manually by inserting extra blank lines or page breaks.

The problem comes in when they try to edit the document.

All those blank lines are pushed around causing weird gaps at the top or bottom of pages… and the manual page breaks will do the same thing.

You'll have to spend extra time removing or adding blank lines and page breaks every time you edit the document.

This is sooooooo not for me!

Get the rest of the tip here!

(Want these tips in their entirety? Sign up for Premium!)

Tip of the Day

Amazon Cloud Services

In today's world of cloud computing, nobody is really bothered about buying a new device for a specific purpose. Instead, people prefer services that can utilized on all kinds of platforms. Previously, we've experienced music streaming start-ups like Soundcloud and mSpot that not only ease music streaming easier, they also do make it literally on-the-go.

So, what are Amazon Cloud Services?

It consists of two services as of now. One is Amazon Cloud Drive, while another is Amazon Cloud Player.

Amazon Cloud Drive is an online storage offered by Amazon to store your music, photos as well as videos. However, you can upload all other kinds of documents too.

On the other hand, Amazon Cloud Player is a web-based application that allows you to stream media files (on your Amazon Cloud Drive) from your browser or any device with internet access.

Get all the info here!

(Want these tips in their entirety? Sign up for Premium!)

Today's Feature

Spell Check in Firefox

Most word processing programs have a spell-checker built right in, so what does one do for the web? I spend most of my time writing out form fields, contributing to forums and writing in blogs. Shouldn't there be a way to spell check in my browser?

There is, actually, but mysteriously enough, it's only for Mozilla Firefox. IE8 has yet to receive a built-in spell checker, but I assume that's not far off. However, a free spell checker is available for IE8 and you can learn more about it here.

In the meantime, let's learn how to enable the spellchecker in Firefox!

For a look at the Firefox spellchecker, click here.

(Want these tips in their entirety? Sign up for Premium!)

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Amanda's Coolsite

How To Tat Lace

I really love all sorts of crafts, and we had a reader ask if I had found any good sites on tatting lace. Oddly enough, I was already on the hunt for a site on lace tatting, because I found that my local yarn store has the materials and I've been tempted to try and learn. Then I ran into some patterns on Etsy that were really adorable and further piqued my interest. I found this site and it has very clear instructions on what you need and how to tat.

I've started you out on the How to Tat page. You'll find directions on what materials you need to get started, how to thread your shuttle and all the different stitches that are used to create this gorgeous lace.

If you don't know what tatted lace looks like, be sure to check out the Gallery section. Where you'll find stunning examples of lace the author of the site made.

In the patterns section you'll regular patterns (motifs, edgings, 3D items, doilies, bookmarks, and miscellaneous) as well as antique patterns!

If you click the Home link, you'll be whisked away to the home page where you'll find a lace crossword and word search and a tatting crossword and word search. You'll also find links to learn more about make lace with another method using a bobbin.

This is an interesting look at how to make lace, check it out today!


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Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?

Send it to Amanda at

Monthly Wallpaper

Reg Price:
Best So Far:
Today's Jaw-Dropper:

Wow, Now THAT's A Smart Set Of Speakers!

Forget All The Extra Power Cords!

These Babies Are USB Powered!

Incredible Sound Too - And A Drop-Dead Price Shocker!

2-Piece USB Multimedia Speaker Set

OK, you have just GOT to check this out! These are one of the most exciting sets of speakers you'll ever own! I know, I know, what the heck could possibly have me all wound up over a pair of speakers? Well, I have had a little too much caffeine this morning, but that's really not it! These bad boys are USB powered speakers!

Why is that so special?

Well, know how your computer speakers either need to be plugged in somewhere (adding yet ANOTHER cable to get tangled up - and to eat up a spot on your power strip) or they (yuck) have to have batteries?

Well, wouldn't it be GREAT if you could get a set of AWESOME sounding speakers that were 100% USB powered? Think about it - why mess with power cords - or even worse, replacing batteries every few months - when you could simply power your speaker through your USB port?

Heck, a bigger question is why didn't someone think of this sooner?!?!?

Now, being USB powered is brilliant, but if the speakers don't sound good, what's the point, right? Well, no worries! I tested these out and they are WAY better then the speakers I've been using at home!

You can BET I'll be hooking these bad boys up to BOTH my home computers! Yeah, they really are THAT good!

2-Piece USB Multimedia Speaker Set

They have a great range of sound and the clarity is really, well, clear :) They sound a TON better than the speakers that came with your computer, that's for sure.

Oh, and if you have speakers built into your monitor instead of regular speakers, you gotta give these a try! Wait till you hear what you've been missing!

Hey, and you can't beat the deal - we're talkin' a mind-bending Special price of just $11.97 and US shipping is FREE! I tell ya, you just can't go wrong! For this price, you just gotta give these a shot - you'll be glad you did!

PS - Remember, the incredible price you see above is just for today! It's heading up to $18.97!

Don't miss out on your FREE red, silver, or blue blindin' bright LED flashlight when you order today!

Monthly Wallpaper

July Wallpaper!

All the desktop wallpaper below is 100% free. Note that the wallpaper is now on Steve's new site, Backcountry Gallery, so head on over and check it out!

Eagle Eye

This was photographed in Antelope Canyon near Page AZ. The rock formation resembles the head of an eagle - and as a bonus, the rock behind the formation is lit by the sun - giving it a kind of "glow".

Angry Owl

How this for intense? This is a fledgling long eared owl we found in Wind Cave National Park. Actually we found three of them, but this little guy was easily the most expressive. My son Grant walked up behind me to get a better look at what was going on, the owl spotted him, and this photo is the result.

Upper Falls Framed

This is a super-cool little falls in Hocking Hills State Park. I noticed this particular composition when I was actually leaving the area heading back up to the parking lot. I thought the framing of the tree, rock, root, and bridge was pretty cool - hop you like it too!

It can all be found here:



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If you would like to reproduce this publication, or any part of it, in any other publication, be it web based or otherwise, you must contact us for permission. Any unauthorized re-distribution will be considered a copyright infringement and grounds for a lawsuit.

Finally, you agree to try any advice contained or suggested in this newsletter at your own risk.

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