Saturday 25 June 2011

ISL201 Assignment#02 Solution

Al-Ibaadah means tadhallul and khudoo. Scholars of the Arabic language have also explained Ibaadah to mean “at-tareeq ul-mu’abbad”, or the levelled road.

However, juristically it has been comprehensively defined by Sheikh Ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah as:

“Al-Ibaadah is a term which comprises everything that Allah loves and is pleased with, from the outward and inner sayings and actions.”

Therefore, ibaadah does not only consist of ritual acts; it is any saying or action which Allah likes and is pleased with. Hence, love, hatred, sincerity, raja, sabr, salaat, siyaam, Hajj, dhikr, tahaakum, sadaqah, da’wah, commanding good and forbidding evil, ruling by Islam, jihad and all other good deeds are ibaadah.

Likewise, loving Allah and His Messenger (PBUH), apprehension before Allah and returning repentantly to Him, sincerity in the Deen for Him, patience with His Ordainment, thankfulness for His Bounties, contentment with His decree, dependence on Him, hope for His mercy, fear of His punishment and the like are also part of ibaadah due to Allah.

Allah (SWT) has told us in the Qur’aan that He created us for the sole purpose of ibaadah:

“And I (Allah) created not the jinns and humans except li-ya’budoon [for ibaadah]. (EMQ Adh-Dhaariyaat, 51:56)

Therefore, Allah did not only create us to pray to Him five times a day, fast in Ramazaan or to perform Hajj at least once in our lifetime; rather, He created us for ibaadah _ to say and do what pleases Him. Allah (SWT) says:

“Say: Verily, my salaat (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the ‘aalameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists).

He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims.”(EMQ Al-An’aam, 6:162-163)

This aayah denotes that all our actions should be done for the sake of Allah until death, and even our death should be in His way, for His Deen.

The term ibaadah has also been mentioned concisely in Soorat-ul-Bayyinh. Allah (SWT) says:

“And they were commanded not, but li-ya’budullah (that they should worship Allah), sincerely (abstaining from ascribing partners to him), and perform salaat and give zaqaat: and that is the right.”(EMQ al-Bayyanah, 98:5)

Ibaadah in this verse has a very general and comprehensive meaning, denoting that man was only command to serve and obey Allah, and do all actions to attain his pleasure.

Furthermore, the Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“Islam is built (based) upon five [matters]: (1) Ibaadah of Allah and rejecting anything [worshipped] besides Him, (2) and the establishment of prayer, (3) payment of Zakat, (4) Pilgrimage to the House and (5) the fast of Ramazaan.”(Saheeh Muslim, Kitaab-ul-Imaan, Chapter 5, Hadeeth no. 16)

“There is no obedience [to any creation] in disobedience to Allah; obedience is only in ma’roof [what Allah has commanded].”(Saheeh al-Bukhaari and Muslim)

“Obedience of the Imaam [i.e. caliph] is a duty upon the Muslim, providing he was not ordered with disobedience to Allah; and if he was ordered to disobey Allah, there is no obedience to him [the Imaam].”(Al-Bukhaari and Muslim)

Ibaadah means taa’ah

Ibaadah means taa’ah (obedience), and there is nobody worthy of obedience but Almighty Allah. We only obey the Prophet (PBUH), our parents (so long as they do not order us with disobedience to Allah) and rulers who implement Islam because Allah commanded us to obey them.

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